
This website is random and spontaneous. You will see some pretty strange stuff on here. This will be updated about every week if I can get to it. I am so bored on the weekends and need something to get to do. I'll start looking for strange or normal things I can post on this blog! I hope you enjoy my posts! BE SURE TO CHECK THEM ALL OUT NO MATTER HOW OLD THE POST IS!!!!!!!

Thursday, May 10, 2012

A Fun Thing To Do If You Are Bored

You will need,
Postage Stamp
Address of a Friend

Write with the pen on the piece of paper, "Were you exited about this letter?  Sorry to disappoint you."  and then your name.  Put it in the envelope and close it up.  Right your friends address on the front of the envelope but do not right a return address.  Apply the postage stamp and send it in the mail!  I did this to five of my friends.  Great way to use a boring Saturday.


Yippee! A Post!

But, it is another boring movie post.  Sorry!

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

A Dose of Random

I have been really bad about posting.  Sorry to all you imaginary people that read my little blog.